
About Us

She is a full time stay at home mom and wife trying to learn how to be domestic. She hates to clean, but can't stand when the house is dirty. She loves her family more than anything in the world.

He is the most hardworking husband and daddy in the world. He always makes sure his family is taken care of. He loves to work around the house and in the yard, and always seems to have a project when he gets off work. He is very family oriented and that is what Courtney loves the most about him.

Expected to make her debut in late August/ early September. She is already the princess of her household. With a closet and dresser full of clothes, and baskets of accessories, she is one spoiled cookie. She is loved dearly by her mommy and daddy.

He is the terror of the family. He may be a canine, but he has out smarted his owners time and time again. He is an escape artist, a garbage disposal, and can easily destroy a chain link fence in seconds. Although he has what his mommy says is puppy ADHD, his family loves him very much.